Friday, February 25, 2011

Dance Pictures - February 25, 2011

Dance Pictures
Today Adelaide had her first pictures made in her dance costume up at Jackie O-Neal.  To say it was chaotic was an understatement.  There were so many little girls and mothers running around it was hard to know where to go and what to do! And of course, I had Elizabeth with me and she was all over the place while I'm trying to fix Adelaide's hair and get her ready.  WILD!!!!
Here's Reese trying to keep Elizabeth entertained!

Reese, Kate and Adelaide - Best buds!

They are so over it by this point! Trying to get a group
shot with everyone looking at the camera at the same
time was comical!

This is the group shot we put in the program to
celebrate the girls' first year of dance.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mommy and me day at the zoo!

I took Adelaide to the zoo for some "mommy and me" time and we had such a good time.  The weather was beautfiul and it was nice to have some time with my "big girl!"

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I got the girls the cutest matching Valentine's shirts to wear to school. Liz was not very cooperative with pictures but I did manage to get a few!

Mimi sent the cutest dresses to the girls for Valentine's day - they wore them to school for their parties!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Elizabeth - 10 Months

I had to add a few more pictures of Elizabeth's first tooth - and the beginning of her second that started coming out only a couple of days after her first!  Another milestone for her is that she is walking with the walking stroller!  She does fine on carpet because it slows her down, but if she is on the hardwood floors she has to have someone holding the front of the walker so she doesn't get going too fast!  My sweet baby is growing up way too fast!!

So proud of herself!

Starting to eat bananas and oranges - and she LOVES THEM!

There's that second tooth coming in on the upper, left-hand side
(2 days after the first!)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Elizabeth's First Tooth!

Elizabeth FINALLY got her first tooth.  She is 10 months old and I was wondering if she was ever going to get teeth!  It was almost impossible to hold her still long enough to get a picture!  I got them to sit down and watch a movie together and managed to snap a few shots!
There it is on the upper, right-hand side!  I just love that little
orange nose from all of the carrots she's been eating!