Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day - 2012

My sweet girls showered me with homemade gifts this Mother's Day. Adelaide made a beautiful heart necklace which I have proudly worn for two days now. Elizabeth made a framed picture - complete with her tiny fingerprints turned into an owl, and also a flower vase with flowers made from the outlines of her hands. There is nothing better than getting these kinds of gifts from my sweeties! Daddy was also sweet, giving me a gift certificate to one of my favorite stores. We went to church and had a fabulous brunch. What a wonderful day!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Last soccer game and party!

Soccer season is officially over and we celebrated with a party - complete with cookie cake and trophies!! All of the kids were so excited.  It has been a great season and Daddy has really enjoyed coaching.  Adelaide seemed to enjoy it - even if she seemed a bit distracted on the field!  She woke up this am and was very worried that she wouldn't even receive a trophy.  Daddy told her to play hard and pay attention at this last game, and he was sure she would get a trophy for her efforts! 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Afteroon sprinkler time!

We spent the afternoon at the Hagler's enjoying some sunshine and running through the sprinkler.  Molly and Adelaide argued over who was going to wear the bright pink shirt, but afterwards, settled down enjoyed getting soaked.  The girls had a ball and even little bit (Liz) joined in on the action!  Nice ending to the perfect weekend! Bring on summer!

Saturday, March 31, 2012


I decided to take on my first 5K with Lauren, Kelly and Jennifer, and I gotta say - I get the thrill of it!  It was such an adrenaline rush!  I ran the entire time and finished in 32:13 with an average mile run of 10:22.  Not too shabby considering I hadn't been running long before the race. Of course, the man with the double jogging stroller in front of me was my true motivation - there was NO WAY I was letting him cross that finish line before me!  It was so much fun and I can't wait to do another one!


Lauren, Jennifer and I in front of the colon!


See- here's the guy with the double stroller -
I ran ahead of him before I got to the finish line!
Wasn't about to let him show me up :-)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Casey's 4th Birthday Party

We went to Casey's birthday party on Sunday out at a stable to ride horses.  The girls were SO EXCITED - especially Elizabeth, who kept asking "where are the horsies?"  As soon as we got there, Adelaide went straight up and got on a horse.  My little scaredy cat was absolutely FEARLESS!!  She loved it and rode several times.  Elizabeth was equally as excited and got right up on a horse without any fear. She would pet him and say "good horse" -it was so sweet! The only time she got a little upset was when she had to put on the helmet.  (She doesn't like to wear hats of ANY kind!) But with a little coaxing, she agreed to wear it.  After all the kids rode horses, they pulled out a big box of stuffed horses on sticks and everyone had races across the field.  All the kids loved it and Elizabeth was right in the middle of it all!  We had hotdogs and then sang Happy Birthday to Casey.  After it was over, we stayed behind to help everyone put the horses up in their stable, and the kids fed them treats and helped put hay in all of the horses' stalls.  They had a ball!! (Especially Elizabeth as you can see from the pictures!!)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tap, Ballet and Soccer Oh My!!

We have had a busy week this past week.  Adelaide had her dance pictures last friday and since Mommy was busy with the consignment sale up at church, Daddy was in charge of getting Adelaide to her pictures, fully dressed in tutu, tap shoes and gloves.  I did come home long enough to handle fixing her hair and putting on a tiny bit of makeup, but Daddy did the rest!  Adelaide is dancing to "Lollipop, Lollipop."

Adelaide is also starting soccer this weekend and her Daddy is coaching her team, The Cheetah's!  She is so excited to get started.  We have purchased pink shin guards and cleats with pink flowers on them (yes I know, ALOT of pink!!). This past Sunday, the coaches had a team dinner at Sol Azteca, where the kids got to meet each other and were given their uniforms.   Adelaide was so excited and couldn't wait to try on her "costume"  - as she called it!  She insisted she wear it for the remainder of dinner, and of course, had to model it for me!

Not sure about the facial expressions, but she was beyond excited!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

We were suprised to hear the doorbell ring at 8:30 this morning and to our sheer delight, Daddy had sent roses to all 3 of his girls for Valentine's Day.  The girls were so excited they could barely contain themselves!  We love our Daddy!

Thank you Daddy!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy "Early" Valentine's Day

Today, both girls had their Valentine's parties b/c they are out school tomorrow.  They actually cooperated pretty well for me this morning before school and I was actually able to get some good shots.  Adelaide is too big now for mommie's to come to her party, but we were invited to Elizabeth's and of course I was there with camera in tow!

This was their placecard - how cute!

This is the reaction I got when I asked her to smile.

Loving on Charlie - he seems less than impressed!

Hugging on Katharine