Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

We decided to have our friends over for a little pre-trick or treating party at our house and then take the kids out.  They had so much fun playing in the back yard and I did my very best to get a picture of the whole group with as many looking at the camera at the same time! (you parents out there know how hard that it!)  The kids were so excited to get started trick or treating but it didn't take long for them to lose steam and after a dozen or so houses they wouldn't even get out of the wagons!  They still managed to get more than enough candy for all of us!

Diette, Benjamin, Adelaide, Kaitlyn, Maggie, Mary Allison, Ella and Annabelle

Finally got Henry in on the end by Annabelle

Here comes Davis!

Ok, I think we have everybody!

Still doesn't like the hat!

Me, Lauren, Allison and Madeline drinking the "witches brew" Kiley made.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween at Vestavia Day School

Today the kids got to dress up in their costumes and go to school.  Adelaide was so excited to dress up as Jesse and she was going to have a little parade at school and go trick-or-treating.  Elizabeth was dressed up as a duck and was going to have a Halloween party as well.   Mommy would have made it to Adelaide's parade, however as we were pulling up to the school, Elizabeth started coughing and then threw up not once, but twice, all over the car.  Nice.  I had to strip her down to her diaper, get Adelaide in to her class, and then rush home and get her cleaned up and back up to school. What a mess!!  I was able to get a couple of pictures of Adelaide at the parade from some other mothers and did make it back in time for Liz to enjoy her party.  Some days I just feel like I'm the subject of some cruel joke!
Howdy ya'll!

Adelaide and Anderson (her little crush)

Elizabeth and sweet Carson

I think its safe to say she doesn't like the hat!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

The girls and Daddy worked very hard on their pumpkin for the front porch and were so proud to show off the finished product.  Now we are ready for Halloween!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Boo at the Zoo

We took the kids to Boo at the Zoo and this year Adelaide was determined to dress up. She has finally decided to be Jesse from a Toy Story for Halloween and Elizabeth is going to be a duck.  The weather was actually pretty mild and we got there early before the sun went down so they were able to ride the train (way too scary for little ones!) and play games in the children's area before trick or treating and riding the carousel.

Stick em up!
It was essential that she look EXACTLY like Jesse - down to the braid in the back!

She actually has enough hair now to put in a tiny braid!
She was so proud!

Just look at my cute little duck!

Check out that fanny!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

We're going to Disney World!!!!

We decided to take Adelaide on a suprise trip to Disney World for her 4th birthday and didn't even tell her until the morning we were leaving.  Ben at I got up very early and packed our suitcases and I laid out an outfit with a cinderella coach applique for Adelaide and had her new princess rolling suitcase sitting next to it.  Memaw and Peepaw came over to keep Liz and videotaped her reaction.  At first she was in shock and then she was so excited she couldn't get dressed fast enough. I have been anxiously waiting the last six months to see her reaction and it was priceless!!!  This would be her first ride on an airplane and she couldn't wait to get to the airport and see where Daddy goes all the time when he travels.

Once we arrived in Orlando it was straight to get our rental car and onward to Disney World. No stops at the hotel - we were on a mission!!  Adelaide could barely contain herself (neither could Momma and Daddy!).  We arrived in record time and boarded the monorail for Magic Kingdom. Right when were arrived a parade was starting it was as if they had rolled out the red carpet just for us! I couldn't have planned a better introduction to the Magic Kingdom myself!!

Our next stop was Cinderella's castle where we were going to have lunch and meet all of the princesses.  I had brought several dresses for Adelaide to wear, but she insisted on wearing (and bringing) her red VELVET Belle dress (she wears it in the Christmas movie).  Now it was in the 80's but she wore it the rest of the day despite how hot she was.  (you can't tell this girl anything!)  She was so excited to meet Cinderella and was the first one in line to get her autograph.  We had a wonderful lunch afterwards and got to take pictures and get autographs from all of the other princesses.  What ann amazing first day!

Adelaide had the funniest smile in most of the pictures-
she was pretty shy - which is a shock for those of you who know her!

After lunch we headed over to the rides.  We started out with Snow White - which ended up being a big mistake!  The evil queen was EVERYWHERE and Adelaide was scared to death!  We opted for Dumbo after that and things perked up after that.  She was so exhausted from the excitement of the day she actually fell asleep in line for Dumbo.  We had so much fun that we spent the next two days at Magic Kingdom.  Adelaide got to meet all of her favorite characters and get their autographs, we went to the Electric Parade and watched the fireworks and light show by Cinderella's castle as well as watching Tinker Bell fly down from the top of the castle.  We rode every ride at least twice (we rode It's a Small World 3 or 4 times - it was definitely her favorite!) and had the time of our lives!  Can't wait to take Elizabeth back in a few years and do it all over again!

5 minutes later....she's out!

Adelaide is telling Rapunzel that she just turned 4 and that
she had a "Tangled" birthday party at her house.

All the kids with birthdays got to participate in a special birthday parade!

You see before you a broken man...

After waiting almost an hour to meet Jasmine, Adelaide chickened out
at the last minute and made Mama go up and get an autograph.


Goodbye Disney - thanks for the memories!!!