Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School!!!

Today was Adelaide and Elizabeth's first day of school.  Adelaide is in 3K and Elizabeth is in the Owl room which is the 1's and 2's.  We were all super excited (Mommy more than anyone!) and Adelaide woke up bright and early (5:55 am) ready  to go. (Luckily I talked her into getting back in bed with us and she slept until 6:45 :-)  We got everyone dressed, teeth brushed and onto the porch for the annual picture with only minutes to spare!  Not sure if we got even one pic with BOTH kids looking at the camera but what's new?!?  Adelaide gets dropped off in the carpool line now and she was so excited and didn't hesitate when we pulled up and the teacher was there to greet her and help her out of her carseat.  It was a bittersweet moment seeing my oldest walk into the school without me.  Elizabeth still has to be brought in by mommy but she wanted to do it all by herself.  She was so excited to carry her backpack into the school (I swear it was as big as her) and she proudly walked down the hall saying "hi" to everyone.  Tears were in my eyes by this point but I did manage to snap off a few pic's.  She went into her classroom on her own and went right over to play with her friend Carson.  She didn't even cry when I left!  She is growing up WAY TOO FAST!!!   As difficult as it was to leave my babies, I did enjoy a "quiet" grocery trip followed by a trip to the dentist (do I know how to live or what?!?)
Sweet girls!

I'm am so proud of both of you girls! I'm a lucky mommy!!

Adelaide showing off her backpack and Elizabeth finally looking at the camera!

About to get out in the carpool line!

Just look at this sweet baby trying to get up the ramp with that backpack!

This is her buddy Carson from her class last year.  So nice to see a familiar face!

She's not too sure what's wrong with the boy behind her - I'm just hoping she doesn't start to cry too!

Here they are patiently waiting for their snack at (tears) the big kid table!!

Tried to get a shot of some of her friends after school...

Elizabeth finally decided to join us but didn't care about pictures - she just wanted Maggie's bow!!

Totally losing control!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Day of Dance!

Well, today we started Adelaide's 2nd year of dance. She was so excited to go and even more excited that she would be able to do two dances this year - tap and ballet (I think she's more excited about having two costumes! :-)  It was a busy day between dance this afternoon and Vestavia Day School open house this morning. Everyone - including mommy - was pooped by this afternoon!  Adelaide got to meet her new teachers - Mrs. Charlotte and Mrs. Leslie and Elizabeth just loved her new room and teachers -Mrs. Erica and Ms. Liz.  More pictures to come when they start next Monday (woohoo!!!!!)
Not sure what she is doing here...she just really wanted to hold her bag! 

Strike a pose!

Such a sweetie!!

Of course sissy had to be in the pic - she is such a ham in front of the camera!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Day of Gymnastics!

Today, Adelaide, Charlie, Reese and Kate had their first day of gymnastics class! They had so much fun and got to try all sorts of things! I think Adelaide is going to be way more coordinated than her momma-thank goodness!

Gotta get warmed up first!

Look at this little monkey! Not a bit afraid!!

Sissy was watching the whole time - here she is just being goofy!

Practicing on the balance beam...

Steady...don't fall!

This was one WILD bunch after it was all over!

The Three Amigos!


Monday, August 15, 2011

Getting ready for dance!

We recently went to get new ballet and tap shoes for Adelaide's 2nd year of dance.  She has, of course, outgrown both sets of shoes, so we met Reese and her momma to get the girls set up.  They had a ball and loved showing off their new shoes!

We start this week so more pics to come!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bye Bye Paci!!!!

Adelaide decided to leave all of her paci's out for the "Paci Fairy" to come and get them in mid-June. We called the "Paci Fairy" up on the phone and she promised to bring Adelaide something extra special if she would round up all her paci's so the Paci Fairy could bring them to newborn babies to keep them from crying. She was so excited and put them all in a ziploc bag next to her pillow. To Adelaide's surprise, she awoke the next morning to find her paci's gone and a beautiful princess bike left for her!!! She was so excited we had to go right outside and ride it - at 6:02 am mind you!!! :-) Yeah for the bike and yeah for no more paci's!!!!!!!

So proud!!!

Summer Fun!

We have had such a busy summer! In June, we went out on Paw Paw's boat and even spent the night on it. We swam, fished and played on the beach. The girls LOVED it!!! After the trip, the girls stayed with Paw Paw and Lele for a few days while mommy and daddy went on a much needed vacation to Jamaica - we sure did miss them though! :-)

Here they are goofing around!

Elizabeth is listening intently as Paw Paw maps out our course!

Of course Elizabeth wanted to help daddy drive the boat!

Here we are - safe and sound on dry land! What a great trip!

Adelaide's first recital:  May 21, 2011

Adelaide's first recital was today and she had the BEST time! She got up there and danced her little heart out and was so proud! Mimi and Papa and Peepaw and Memaw were there as well to cheer her on! I was so proud of her!  She got some beautiful flowers after the recital and you could just see in her face how special she felt!

Striking a pose!

Sweet Girl!!!

It took her a few minutes to warm up and really get into the dance!

Go Adelaide Go!

Proud Daddy!
I think Mimi's flowers were her favorite because Adelaide said they were the "real color pink"

Memaw was so proud of Adelaide

As you can tell the flowers were a BIG HIT!

Sissy wore her purple ballerina bubble in support of big sis!

Congratulations Adelaide! Momma and Daddy are soooo proud of you!

Too much excitement can wear a girl out!!!

Mother's Day -May 8, 2011
We had such a wonderful Mother's Day!  The girls brought me all sorts of goodies from school that they had made - which are my most FAVORITE presents of all and Daddy even gave me some topaz and diamond earrings to match a necklace he had gotten me for our anniversary.  After church and lunch, Daddy took me to the Regions Classic and we had a wonderful afternoon outside! It was a perfect ending to a perfect day!
My sweet girls!! I'm a lucky momma!!!

HAPPY EASTER!!!! - April 24, 2011
Well, the girls must have been good this year because the Easter Bunny made a stop by our house and brought them all sorts of goodies!!!  We woke up bright and early (5:45 am!!!) and went to the porch to see what he had left.  He had even eaten some of the carrots Adelaide had left outside for him! After church, we went to Memaw and Peepaw's house for lunch and an easter egg hunt. What a fun fun day we had!!!
 Elizabeth wasn't too sure at first...
...but once she saw baskets full of toys she was excited!!

Adelaide notice the half-eaten carrots and pointed them out to Elizabeth.

Looks like the Easter Bunny was hungry!

He even left eggs hidden all over the house!

Elizabeth hasn't put down her new cell phone! She know EXACTLY how to use it!

She wasn't too sure about hunting for eggs at Memaw's house...

...but Adelaide definitely was!

Easter Egg Hunt! (April 23, 2011)
We were out of town for our church's annual easter egg hunt, so the Coshatt's were nice enough to let us tag along to their neighborhood's.  The girls had such a good time!  There were probably over 100 kids and over a thousand eggs, but the place was cleaned out in about 5 minutes!!! Those kids sure know how to hunt for eggs! We had a ball!

Run for it girls!!!

Elizabeth didn't care too much about hunting for eggs, but she gladly took any donations!

Time to examine her haul!

Adelaide was just a "little" cranky and tire and refused to take anymore pictures,
 but Elizabeth was happy too!

Elizabeth's Birthday Party - April 9, 2011
We had Elizabeth's party theSunday after her birthday. We had it at the house and just had a small group of family and close friends (of course, most of the kiddos were Adelaide's buddies - pretty common for a second sibling!)  Mimi and Papa came down the day before and brought Adelaide a little gift so she wouldn't feel left out - A Rapunzel wig!!  She was thrilled and hardly took it off all weekend.  The weather was perfect for the party and everyone had a wonderful time.  I can't we are already celebrating our baby's birthday.  Time is going by way too fast!

The Pinata was a big hit with the older kids!

Liz checking out her new bounce house!

Such a sweet big sis!

She can't figure out what is going on...

...but she sure was excited when her friends started showing up!

This is Elizabeth's buddy Jack Nesmith, who is only about 4 weeks older than her.

Pepaw and Memaw

Adelaide and her buddy MaryKate (they hadn't seen each other in awhile and she was so happy to see her!)

Amanda, Elizabeth's Godmother and one of my oldest and dearest friends.

Reese went straight for the bubbles!

"Put that bow back in your hair you little stinker!"

Adelaide and her crew!

Not a big fan of the hat!

She knew exactly what to do with the cake though!

Jake and Celia Wilson came to celebrate!

Looking a little full!

Liz and Tiffany (her second momma!)

Hanging out in the bounce house with Emily - one of Liz's favorite people!

Family pic- notice Adelaide is missing because she couldn't be pulled away from her crew!

See...hanging with her crew in the backyard!

All jacked up on sugar - they wouldn't even sit still for a picture with Daddy!

This is one tired little girl after a full day of cake, icecream and opening presents.
Happy Birthday my sweet angel! is Adelaide's Rapunzel wig - she was so excited she couldn't contain herself!

She looks a little like Cousin It if you ask me!
I'm still finding hair all over my house from this wig!


Happy Birthday Elizabeth!!! - April 6, 2011
Today my second baby turned 1! I just can't believe it - where does the time go? It is a bittersweet day for sure.  She has been the sweetest baby and has been such a joy!  This morning I dressed Elizabeth up in the same birthday dress  Adelaide wore for her first birthday. It was like looking at Adelaide's twin! Brought back alot of memories!  Elizabeth went to school and I sent little cookies for each baby to have. This evening, we sang Happy Birthday to Elizabeth and gave her a pink cupcake.  She was a little hesitant at first but her big sister gave her some pointers and before long they were BOTH covered in pink icing!
Happy Birthday my sweet girl!

Sweet Sisters

Could she be any cuter??????

Adelaide picked out just the right cupcake and put the candle on top...

Elizabeth is watching Daddy lighting the candle and isn't really sure what is going on.

Adelaide and Daddy offering some assistance!

She was pretty hesitant at first...

"What is this stuff??"

"Hmmm....its sweet...."

"...let me try just one more bite..."

"I think I like it!"

"Try mine sissy!"

She likes it!!!

Going in for a big bite now!

Even big sis is making a mess!

Mommy's little piggy!

Messy baby #2

Would you just look at that devilish grin?!?

Squeaky clean after a good scrubbing!