Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Elizabeth!

Its hard to believe my little baby girl is one now.  Where does the time go?!  It is certainly bittersweet to see my baby growing up, but she is such a sweet little girl and every day is more fun than the last.  I put her in the same birthday dress Adelaide wore and the resemblance is uncanny!  We celebrated with pink cupcakes after dinner, and while she wasn't too sure about them at first, she quickly figured out how yummy they were and was soon COVERED in frosting!!!  Adelaide got in on the action too and by the end of it they both needed to be hosed down!!

Hand it over Sissy!!!

Not quite sure what to do with it!

"Hmmm....its sweet..."

"....ooh, I think I like the taste of this..."

"Its delicious!!"

"Why have you been keeping something like this from me all this time?!?"

"Had to go straight to the bathtub -- I just can't resist a chubby little baby bum!"


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