Sunday, June 12, 2011

New Bike from the "Paci Fairy"

We decided it was time for Adelaide to give up her paci so we called the "Paci Fairy" and Adelaide promised her that she would round up all of her pacis and put them in a bag for the Paci Fairy to pick up and deliver to newborn babies.  In return, the Paci Fairy promised that she would bring Adelaide a big girl bicycle. She made it very clear that this was NOT the kind of thing she usually did, and it was certainly not the kind of present the Tooth Fairy would EVER consider, but she was making a special consideration since she knew how hard it was for Adelaide to part with her paci's.  Adelaide was so excited to gather up all of her paci's and placed them on the table next to her bed.  In the morning she woke up to find that the Paci Fairy had indeed come and left her a shiny, new princess bike. So, at 5:55 am we were out front testing it out!  She only asked about her paci's one time that afternoon but otherwise, she was done with them for good!!


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