Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

We decided to have our friends over for a little pre-trick or treating party at our house and then take the kids out.  They had so much fun playing in the back yard and I did my very best to get a picture of the whole group with as many looking at the camera at the same time! (you parents out there know how hard that it!)  The kids were so excited to get started trick or treating but it didn't take long for them to lose steam and after a dozen or so houses they wouldn't even get out of the wagons!  They still managed to get more than enough candy for all of us!

Diette, Benjamin, Adelaide, Kaitlyn, Maggie, Mary Allison, Ella and Annabelle

Finally got Henry in on the end by Annabelle

Here comes Davis!

Ok, I think we have everybody!

Still doesn't like the hat!

Me, Lauren, Allison and Madeline drinking the "witches brew" Kiley made.


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