Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween at Vestavia Day School

Today the kids got to dress up in their costumes and go to school.  Adelaide was so excited to dress up as Jesse and she was going to have a little parade at school and go trick-or-treating.  Elizabeth was dressed up as a duck and was going to have a Halloween party as well.   Mommy would have made it to Adelaide's parade, however as we were pulling up to the school, Elizabeth started coughing and then threw up not once, but twice, all over the car.  Nice.  I had to strip her down to her diaper, get Adelaide in to her class, and then rush home and get her cleaned up and back up to school. What a mess!!  I was able to get a couple of pictures of Adelaide at the parade from some other mothers and did make it back in time for Liz to enjoy her party.  Some days I just feel like I'm the subject of some cruel joke!
Howdy ya'll!

Adelaide and Anderson (her little crush)

Elizabeth and sweet Carson

I think its safe to say she doesn't like the hat!


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